i'm so sad right now. so sad, so tired, so fucked up. i'm broken, and just when it seems like i'm about to forget, it hits me full force. it scares me that the people who interact with me on a daily basis can't even see how unhappy i am. i don't have any fancy descriptions or words to romanticize this. this isn't something that deserves to be pretty. i'd give anything to disappear.


  1. just because they can't see you doesn't mean nobody can. we see you. me, jac, no volume. you know that. and you can't disappear, kid, no matter how hard you try, because we've all got you held tightly in the nooks of our hearts, in the crannies of our souls. don't forget that.

    it is always worse when you feel alone. but i promise nothing could be further from the truth.

    one day at a time, dear heart.

  2. they don't understand. that's ok cause we do. and we're going to be happy without faking it. until then, fake it till we make it.
