I can't sleep, so what are you passionate about?

I know this is kind of a candid post for me, but I've been exhausted all day, and when it comes time for me to sleep, of course, I can't. I've been up for the past hour or so thinking about a question my sociology and communications professors have both asked over the course of the past week:

What are you passionate about?

Is it sad that I couldn't answer this right away? Or is it a good thing that I had to take a step back, (have a mini existential crisis) and think about what I really am passionate about? Jac and I also had this conversation last week, and even then I didn't know how to answer. I still don't really know, but this is what I came up with:

I'm passionate about: writing, music, blogging, studying, shopping, love, self-discovery, traveling, art movements, 80's movies, summer nights, the beach, lyrics, friendship, family, my future, work, reading, learning, and talking.

There's probably a lot more I could add to the list, but my question is this: What defines what things we can be passionate about? Is there some higher authority that tells us we're only allowed to be passionate for things like hobbies/skills/activities? Or am I allowed to be passionate about the beach and summer nights? And to what extent are we passionate about something? Is it like a pass/fail type of thing where you're either fully engrossed or not in it at all? Or are there varying degrees of passion? Can I be more passionate about self-discovery than my future? I guess those are questions left to decide for yourself.

In any case, what are you passionate about?


  1. i think it's healthy to ask yourself these questions sometimes. to consider who you are, to consider what you love, to consider where you fit. it's part of the human condition. i highly approve.

    i am passionate about: music,family, good books, friendship, love, words, daydreaming, sherlock holmes, writing, coffee, sunrises, children, libraries, deep conversations, learning, trying new things.

    and so much more. sometimes i feel full to bursting with all the things i want to do and see, and then i get sad when i realize i'll never be able to do them all, at least not in this life. but it's good to remember why life is beautiful, sometimes, isn't it? even if the february doldrums are upon us.

    1. i'm glad you approve. sometimes i need to have a mental breakdown or two to realize how much i have ahead of me. i get overwhelmed when i think about all the possibilities, but it's better than trapping myself in the same spot the rest of my life i guess, even if i don't quite know where i fit just yet.

      you're passionate about a lot of good things. i highly approve :)

      i'm sure you'll get to do all you want and more, mio tesorino. we all will.

  2. I remember us having this conversation, and yeah, it's nice to be passionate about even the small things. i know I told you a few things I was passionate about. But I think they're just things I love. It doesn't really matter if they're one in the same. Always looking forward to the future (with you and xoxo).
