Xoxo, Jac, No Volume

I've been thinking about you a lot lately, I hope you're well and living life to its fullest.

Part of me thinks that I may have known you in a previous life, or we'll come across each other in this one only we won't really realize. Or maybe we will. 

Who knows, maybe we already have.
In any case you've been in my thoughts more often than not as of late, and I wanted you to know.

You're all always in my thoughts, I care about you all, about this small, insignificant corner of the Internet we have to communicate. 

We're all very busy continuing the journey of our lives, and I hope to hear the next chapter of everyone's. 
You are all very special, and I hope everyone is happy in these monotonous winter months. I've been checking here every so often to see if anyone has anything to say. I'm sure we all do, and I'm sure we'll all get a chance to share. 

With love. 


  1. mon coeur, you are kindness is the dark of february. winter and i are old enemies, but i feel like he's losing this year.

    i cannot contain the joy that bubbles inside of me, in the quiet, unbroken expanse of night, when i cannot sleep but remember that you are all here, in this tiny, forgotten corner of the universe. it is a light in the window when i need to find my way back.

    thank you. i wanted to say: thank you, to all of you, you and Jac and No Volume, so i've said it the only way i know how.

    1. goddamnit, do i miss you. i love you but hate you for being gone for so long. come back soon.

  2. you know as well as i do that i'm thisclose to being done. less than 3 months until graduation. i am so excited yet the stress is suffocating me. we talk almost every day and we're growing up so fast it scares me.
